Thursday, January 29, 2009

all things red and happy

was waiting till i was in a better mood to blog [if not it'll just be all gloom and doom - see previous entry if you don't get it] after a dinner of the best (and only) risotto i've ever eaten with one of my favourite friends, here it is.

the past week has been a lovely mix of lunch and dinner treats from my closer friends. for their company and good intentions, i am eternally grateful :)

the new year of the ox started off really shakily, and the celebrations were a bit lacklustre for some reason, despite the fact that i should be celebrating the hell out of it, with no exams to study for, and no school to worry about, for once. we did manage to gather a greater part of the family and gamble into the wee hours of the morning, which is always fun when no one loses any money haha. i can't wait for saturday cousin brunch haha!!

birthday photos later, when i get them from whoever has them =p
oh, and remind me to post photos of the cows we saw one day!

our attempt at cny-ing klassie :)my dad, uncles and grandmavery cute relative!!

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