Saturday, October 02, 2004

sun-kissed =)

hello! i must be the most gloriously happy person in the entire world today :D
i have an announcement to make! i'm so so so so very extremely :)
managed to make it to sentosa and enjoy a glorious afternoon on the sandy beaches, with barely a cloud in sight and a whole lotta loving =) i think i'll be smiling for a long time to come, and this is a great optimisitc start to what will be a predictably terrible schoolweek bleah. haha.

we frisbee-d at palawan,
scorched our feet,
water polo-ed, and sucked terribly
water monkey-ed with a polo ball,
tanned, baked, burnt, but did not combust,
went hunting for food at the nearby forest ... no la, it was 7-11.
craved coconuts, but couldn't bear to part with $5.50 for ONE, so headed back to 7-11 and bought coconut juice (with real pulp! right.) for $1...
see there are ways to enjoy the beach without too much money
cycled for an hour, scratched a knee, played in a fountain-like thingy,
found out there's sakae sushi in sentosa!!! shopped, cycled back
decided to move to the beach near sakae sushi
walked back but got distracted by playground
had the most exhilarating rides of my life on the thing that spins in circles (i sat for 3 consecutive rides and my brain is in a whirl)
bought myself a cap. it's orange and makes me look like a kid and i love it
played in the water fountain thingy again, changed for the 3rd time
presented val with her bday gift and finally went home

wah i'm so happy =) i wish everyone i love could be there today, but then again i couldn't ask for anything more right now. i simply love the way things go around us, so simple, so distant from the hustle and bustle of town and school, so much laughter, so much sun (too much sun - i have a terrible V on my neck cos of that stupid m1 funtouch shirt) the weather was gorgeous, the ambience relaxed and most of all the people lovable. time passed so quickly now i look back i wonder how i managed to do so many pleasurable (hm maybe not the right word but who cares) things and time pass so quickly. seriously guys, if we can't find a country to go to, we can always go back to sentosa and enjoy it, preferably, on a weekday. okay my head is swirling, and my face looks perpetually flushed, my thighs are aching from the cycling/walking?/attempt at treading water, but i'm still so super delirious with joy and enthralled with life =D i wish they would have bigger smiles on the keyboard. goodness, island life love it live it! it's really true. 412 rocks =)

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