Tuesday, February 21, 2006

life's more than this, right

how do i study, let me count the ways

on the outside-LT-bench with medical conference people milling around us
in the library, always curled up with jacket
in spinelli's, on a high chair. with a dessert/drink
in spinelli's, on the sofa, with wobbly table and fidgety people
with a radio and lousy earphones
in complete silence except the clocks ticking
on my small bed with mr pillow for company
in front of the faithful television in the upstairs living room
on the arm chair nearby, beside the phone/window
or the rosewood sofa somewhere around there.
on the swing outside.
in the garden - failed because i hate ants.
at the pond - failed because mosquitoes love me
in the downstairs living room near the piano
in the swivel chair, back toward the laptop
at the dining table, unsuccessfully due to proximity to 3 fridges and food/alcohol trolley, oh and the bar counter, also full of food. omg. okay i tried once and once only.

and most recently, with a chopstick :)

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